...you have completely stolen my breath away as well as my girlish heart.
My little family of four returned recently from the happiest place on earth and as far as I am concerned it still holds that coveted title. I have been to Disneyland a ridiculous amount of times. I will be the very first to admit that my love of this place boarders on obsession. I have visited Disneyland during each stage of my life all the way from birth and I must say that I have never seen more magic and wonder in it than I did during this last visit. This is because I viewed it through the eyes of a three year old. It was honestly like I was seeing everything for the very first time. The trip was full of tears of joy, tears of sadness, and tears of anger due to suckers being stolen by younger siblings. We witnessed magical parades, singing birds, talking insects, and my personal favorite, Goofy shifting his personal area when he thought no one was looking. Come on now Goofy, is there EVER a time when no one is looking?
I have come to the conclusion that when traveling with children, there is "good Disneyland" and there is "bad Disneyland". Which one you experience relies exclusively on the mood of your little ones. We experienced BOTH many times through out our stay, and I have pictures to prove it (as you will see). I think my favorite part is that cotton candy and churros can more often than not change "bad Disneyland" to "good Disneyland". Contrary wise, passing a candy stand without indulging can quickly flip "good Disneyland" to "disastrous Disneyland". For example:
In this shot, "good Disneyland" has turned upside down into "tragic Disneyland" because "King Henry" did not want to wear his crown and smile for the picture.

In this shot we were able to quickly salvage the moment and change "sad Disneyland" to "happy Disneyland" by purchasing a $7.00 sucker at the candy shop on Main Street USA
This is what I like to call "tired Disneyland" which is remedied only by sippy cups of milk, blankies, and reclined stroler seats.
This is called "try to stifle the lump in your throat and hold back the inevitable tears at the adorableness of your husband and child Disneyland"
Much to Maggie's dismay, this one is called "you can't please everyone Disneyland"
"Mommy keeping the troops' spirits up Disneyland"
This is called "diapers are changed and tummies are full take a moment to breath Disneyland"
This is called "diapers are full, tummies are empty, and it is waaay past bedtime Disneyland"
"Family portrait Disneyland"
"Nervous to ride the Matterhorn Disneyland"
This is "daddy turns waiting in a boring line into instant laughter Disneyland"
This one is my personal favorite. I call this one "it is worth every penny and we can't wait to go back Disneyland"