In short, my friends from college recently had a beautiful baby girl named Mia who has a severe congenital heart defect. I found this on their blog, it explains it all...
- Baby Mia was born with a severe congenital heart defect and is in need of a new heart. The McDonalds have a job and insurance but after heart operations, and then a heart transplant, additional operations plus all the doctors and medicine and hospital time that this will require... it would financially destroy the best of us. Imagine the emotional rollercoaster that this would put any family on. These are the kind of people that would never ask for help like this. In fact, Mimi has done charity fund raisers for others in the past with nothing to gain for herself. That is why we are stepping in to ask on their behalf. This is what we propose: Donate a few dollars. Donate ONE dollar. It doesn't seem like much, but if you give one and then forward this on to others who donate one; well, one turns into a miracle. If you can afford to give more, please give what you can. Then, send this link to everyone you know and encourage them to make a donation and send it on to people they know. Ask yourself, "What is a heart worth, what is a life worth?"
Well, mission failed. I am bawling like a baby.