Here we have Tinkerbell and Peter Pan frolicking in the Autumn leaves. I am especially proud of the Peter Pan costume as I made it with my own two swollen pregnant hands. I couldn't resist the green tights. This is probably one of the last years I will be able to put my darling, skinny, little Henry's legs in tights for Halloween. I will think I will cry the year he becomes "too cool" for such things.

Very cute! Where did you find the tights? I made Micah's costume too and just had to invent some pants because I couldn't find tights. Love his hat too! And Maggie is just adorable as Tink, but where is Wendy and Capt. Hook?
Those are really gorgeous pictures! I LOVE that last one of Henry- what a doll! Way to go Mom O' The Year...that's a great costume!
Can't believe you made that costume! That takes mad skills, nice work. You'll have to tell Maggie I love her Tinkerbell ring. Looks like she was really trying to make sure that got included in the first photo.
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