Our sweet, tiny Finn is here and what a welcome little addition he is to our home!
Finley Lewis McDowell was born February 20th (the day Rob proposed to me 8 years ago!) at 7:10am. He weighed in at 7lb 9oz and was 21 inches long. There were no complications other than a mild case of jaundice. He has LOTS of black hair and looks like Maggie when she was a baby. He is very mild and patient and a great little eater! Maggie and Henry are completely in love with him, especially Maggie. They are very "helpful" and try hard not to be "wild around the baby". Maggie is constantly asking to hold him. She sings lullabies to him and kisses him on his head and says things like "Finn likes me, mommy! I'm a very good sister for him!" Yesterday she came in to me as I was feeding Finn and said "Mommy, now I want a sister." I told her I'd get right on that.
This afternoon Finn was surprisingly alert so I held him up to my face so that he could focus on me. I talked to him for half an hour about how amazing he is and what a wonderful surprise he was for us. His darling face was so content as he listened to me, full of innocents and love. You can sense how close a newborn is to God when you hold them. What a spiritual experience it is to be in his presence. It is overwhelming at times, how privileged I feel to have this beautiful little creature in my life. That feeling combined with hormones and sleep deprivation equals lots of happy mommy tears falling on his tiny head. There is an angel at our house and we feel so very lucky to have him!