I was just reading over my old blog posts and I have come to the conclusion that I am extremely long winded! I can't believe that you read my ridiculous lengthy posts! I'm so sorry! So to rectify the situation I will try writing shorter, less boring posts. Like this.
whatever, I love your long windedness blogging! its too entertaining, don't get boring ;)
NOOOO! I love your long winded-ness! I think your posts are hilarious and cute, don't change a thing
I like your long windedness...as long as it comes from your mouth and not ...you know...
You to hard on yourself! Don't change a thing.
boring, I can't believe you think you are boring. most of your posts leave me dying laughing.
For real? I LOVE your blog posts. My husband even added you to his google reader because he laughed so hard about Grover wearing the bikini. Don't change a single thing.
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