Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sweet Smells Fill the Air...

I want you to guess what we have been up to the last few days here at the McDowell home. This lovely picture will give you a hint.

A. Trying out new spring time recipes! Mixing, baking, and singing primary songs in the kitchen with the children. It's been LOVELY!
B. Playing "Army Men" in the back yard using the bowls as helmets. Running through the new spring grass, taking in the new spring air. Laughing, rolling, frolicking, and the like. It's been HEAVENLY!
C. Violently ill. Sloppily laying about the house clinging to our vomit bowls. Rolling back and forth, moaning in our vile, pathetic state. No music, no laughter, no fresh air. Only matted, greasy hair, ill fitting pajamas, and a constant load of freshly vomit ridden bedding in the washer. It's been HELLACIOUS! (special thanks to Lehi Legacy Pool)

Okay, take your best guess! You get a PRIZE if you guess the correct answer! Good luck!


jayna said...

I was thinking that the new background was good for your post...until that last one. That is a doozie when everyone gets it at once...sooo sorry friend! Glad you're feeling better now!

my favorite color is green said...

don't repeat that- it sounds like awfulness! i like your post about "butters"- it made me laugh and laugh :)

St. Julien's said...

I am going to have to guess C. You poor dears, the bowls are really too cute to be puking in don't you think?? You are fun, when you feel better we should get together and do some spring frolicking.

Susan said...

Not fun! I agree the bowls are too cute to vomit into. hope you feel better soon.

Carrie Hellewell said...

I'd like to say #1 but I'm more inclined to say #3 because you know, that's how it goes. Kaloo Kahai! I'll call you later skater.

Jennifer said...

I'm gonna go ahead and guess C. If it makes you feel any better, we've been doing the same thing here. How 'bout some good weather and good health?! Yes, please!

Beth said...

Hmmmm, I choose C- even though if that really is the case I'm sorry that sucks. Can't wait to kick you butt at bunco tomorrow. :)

The Gibbs said... i would like to think about something else now, so i will say this. how come everything you do is so amazingly lovely? your blog is fabulous, i started salivating when i saw it. tell me your secrets. also, it should be illegal for beth to make a bunco comment because it makes me want to cry. however, i think we're coming back this october so I WANT IN!!!

Diana said...

Probably option C right? Yeah, that's why you haven't texted back. Sorry, feel better & keep posting. Love ya!

Megan said...

oh no. I caught one of those Utah pool diseases once... the good news was I lost 15 pounds. The bad news was I lived on a steady diet of Gatorade for 2 weeks. I hope it's not C.

Your new blog look is ADORABLE. I really love it. love it.