A few months ago I spoke to some of my friends with little girls who are Maggie's age and I began to have a Baby Boom moment. Let me explain: Baby Boom is a CLASSIC movie from the eighties about a New York career woman (Diane Keaton) who is quickly brought to her knees when an obscure relative dies and leaves her a one year old baby girl. The woman has no time for the baby, she tries to keep her career and be a mom at the same time, yackety shmack...eventually (after a montage of the woman taking care of the sick baby all night) the woman's heart is softened, she gives up her career for the child, moves to the country, starts a baby applesauce business, makes millions, and marries the local doctor. One of my all time eighties favorites, I must admit. But to get to the point, there is a scene in the movie where the woman is at a park in New York and she overhears a couple of rich, pretentious mothers talking about putting their unborn children on the waiting lists for various prestigious private schools. After that, they list about a thousand classes, activities, etc that their other children are in (fencing, gymnastics, French lessons, violin, etc.) So basically Diane Keaton panics and feels totally inadequate. She thinks her baby is way behind and she is failing as a mother. Well after speaking with my friends about their wildly advanced children and all the amazing activities and lessons they are involved in, I believe I had a strong taste of what Diane Keaton's character was experiencing in that ridiculous scene. I have always thought that those other mothers were silly and that I would be able to clearly see such a situation for exactly what it was if I were faced with the same. However, after our conversation, I believe I had some mild heart palpitations as I began to sweat at the thought of my Maggie being left behind. Moments later I called Center Stage Dance Studios. I have since gotten over my panic. Maggie is three. She is smart, fast, creative, confident, talented, and the farthest thing from "behind". I have nothing to worry about, but in the meantime, I get to go to her dance class once a week and laugh myself senseless while Maggie and six other sprightly pixies flit across the dance floor in tutus and tiny ballet shoes. Easily the most entertaining part of my week, but the best part is, Maggie LOVES it! It is all that she talks about, and for that, I am glad for my Baby Boom moment.
p.s. I am hoping that anyone reading this post is pop culture savy enough to catch that the title of the post is a play on the very popular TV show's title, So You Think You Can Dance, and not my way of mocking my poor little three year old.
p.p.s. So You Think You Can Dance rules! Go Chelsea Hightower! (She is a teacher at Maggie's very exclusive, very upper class, very better-than-you dance studio)
Chelsea is one of my favorite dancers this season. Now I have more of a reason to cheer her on. That's so cool.
Way to go Maggie, soon you'll be on the show.
Oh I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to make you feel bad by going on and on about how Grace excels at her remedial gymnastics lessons she takes from a lazy college girl and Caroline in her dance class with minimal amounts of dancing at the local YMCA...I know, I know, it's really too much, isn't?!
Oh wait...this post was clearly not in reference to my non-over-achieving mothering. If you are Diane Keaton in this scenario, then I am surely the person buying the baby food from you.
VERY cute Maggie! No matter how "special" the dancing is, it is extremely entertaining! I love watching their interpretive movements! Love this post!
You should see the looks I get when I tell people my son isn't going to ANY preschool this year! Oh well.
I'm so glad you gave your blog address to mom when she was in Utah, what an adorable family you have!
I must admit I've had several 'baby boom' moments of my own since moving here to big 'ol texas...they do everything bigger and 'better' here, and I've not involved my brood in the myriad of activities available...two reasons I vacilate between:
-I want my kids with me! they have to start school at 5 and here we start with all day kindergarten and from then on someone else has them for the bulk of the day FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES!! (or at least the part of their lives that they will live with me)
-that and I think I must be too lazy to want to get all up and involved to the max in every thing there is...
so, I choose my first reason most of the time to make me feel better about myself...but my baby boom moments pray on the second...
BUT then blessings come, like in conference this past spring when Elder Ballard specifically talked about over scheduling kids and families...I kinda took that as a little pat on my back (for my laziness ;))
totally long comment, sorry, and I don't know if you even remember me...but I have wonderful memories of your family! tell Cilla I said hello, if she 'computes' my email is jennaleer at gmail dot com
cheers! (I'll keep "lurking" about hee hee)
Word up on the Elder Ballard comment. My kids don't do anything yet and I know they will soon enough. I just enjoy the time I get with them. I think Kaila will be different because she is a girl, and I do think dance class is so cute. We'll see! And DUH! I totally got the title. I love Chelsea Hightower. She is gorgeous and a fabulous dancer. Did you see Will and Katee's 2nd dance tonight/lastnight (since it's past midnight)? Hello! Amazing! I love that show! And I love you!
Glad you finally posted something about her dancing. She is a little princess, even when she's not in her dance wear. I love her!
Oh, I have so much to say. First, I LOVE Baby Boom. I have told Matt for years that for Christmas I want two things, Baby Boom and Tootsie. I mean who wouldn't?! Genius. Second, Maggie is so adorable in her ballet outfit. I've seen it in person and it never fails to make me smile. Thirdly, SYTYCD is fabulous and I love it!
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