-He's a great little eater. At his two week visit my Doctor told us that a healthy amount of weight to gain for a two week old is 2 to 3 ounces...Finn had gained 13.
-He's VERY strong. I suspected as much when he kicked me harder and more often than my other two combined, but my suspicions were confirmed at his circumcision when two nurses and the doctor commented on his abnormally strong legs.
-Speaking of...he did NOT enjoy the circumcision. Consequently, neither did I.
-He has a husky, boyish voice that I adore.
-He smiles when I sing "It's a Small World"
-He poops infinitely more than he pees. And he explodes on my favorite outfit of his with the old school Mickey Mouse print on it every time WITHOUT FAIL within five minutes of me putting him in it. A fun little game for mommy.
-He spits up and laughs about it all the live long day. Another fun game.
-He loves to sit on the window sill and bask in the sun while listening to primary childrens music.
-He loves the car and his car seat (thanks heavens!!)
-His baby acne is disappearing (YAY) just in time for the cradle cap to kid in (BOO)
-He has made life surprisingly challenging, but I am completely and totally in love with him.

So adorably cute! And all that hair! Did your other kids have that much hair?
Love all the new photos especially the nose touching one. He lookes like a McDowell for sure. Or in other words he looks like Rob. His full head of hair is awesome! Nice work! He's super cute.
Wow- the amazing pics continue! I wish I had those hook ups!!!
Finn is gorgeous! He's a rock star already. xoxoxo
call sometime you're not losing your mind and we'll talk 3 kids!
He is so handsome! What a fun kid, and you look beautiful too. Congrats again!
Oh my gosh Lilly! I love the pictures. He is so gorgeous, and YOU are so gorgeous!! I loved reading about him too. You are so lucky. I'm totally jealous.
I love love love the pics. What a handsome little dude.
Those pics are so dang cute. I love them. I have to apologize that I never showed my sweet face to visit you this week. I feel like a butt face friend. Seriously this was one of the worst weeks for me but I'm sure it wasn't a great week for you either. Call me and we'll talk all about it.
Those are great photos, he is one good looking little guy. Lucy says she wants to go see him, hopefully we can make it sometime soon!
Cute Pics! Did I ever give you my address for a baby announcement? 2109 N 1450 E 84604
Your pictures are so cute, and you look absolutely fabulous!! Not a double chin in site (I am so jealous!).
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