Friday, July 10, 2009

10 Things I say 50 Times a Day to My Children...

1. Your shoes are on the wrong feet (EVERY TIME!)
2. Did you flush the potty and wash your hands?
3. Because I said so
4. Mommy needs a little space
5. Share with your brother
6. If you wake up that baby, so HELP me
7. That's why we don't jump on the sofa
8. Stop playing with your penis (my personal favorite)
9. Take one more bite

and last, but certainly not least and said more than the rest combined:

10. Mommy loves you


Jennifer said...

With 3 boys I say, "Stop playing with your penis," almost as much as, "Mommy loves you." What is with that?

Kyle ♥ Ashlyn said...

Lilly the penis one is my fav too haha your kids are soo cute :] i miss you

Susan said...

I am right there with you for #8,9 and 10. #2 is pretty popular also.

Carrie Hellewell said...

Oohdalaly. Not sure how to spell that! Kalookalai! I'm bamboozled by your children's cuteness.