Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What to expect should you ever be invited to a robot's birthday party...

First off, robots are smaller creatures than you might think. They are unpredictable and not as intelligent as one would anticipate...

Despite their lack of intellect, they are usually quite cute...

Much like the human species, robot siblings have a tendency to disagree with one another at times...

You will be fascinated to know that the female robots tend to stick together...

Some robots take their role as a robot more seriously than others...

Be forewarned that wrangling robots for picture taking will take at least ten minutes...

You will find that the birthday robot is easily excited when presented with a jack-in-the-box...

If you are lucky, Grandpa Robot will make an appearance...

The smallest and chubbiest robot will most likely sleep through the entire event in his pack and play...

Happy Birthday Little Robot!


jayna said...

That was stinkin' cute and that touch of LILLY to the comments had me laughing out loud.xoxoxo.

Carrie Hellewell said...

Grandpa Robot made me fall off my chair in laughter. And he was a little frightening too. A powerful combo. Looks like it was a fun party!

Natalie said...

So cute! You are such a very crafty little mommy. I'm with Carrie, Grandpa Robot made me laugh out loud.

Katie and Travis Melser said...

It would be so fun to go to cousin birthday parties but we just don't live close enough. . . maybe if we kick David out of the downstairs we can move in, not sure how well everybody would take that proposal though.

:: ashley :: said...

thats way fun! good for you, and your kids look so cute in those get ups!

Diana said...

what a cute & fun party idea. Nice work. Your pics are so funny as always. Miss ya!

Craig Nuttall said...

What wonders tin foil can do. Nathan wants a robot for his birthday, Henry might be the perfect one.

Kristin Nuttall said...

That comment from Craig was from Double K. I didn't know he was signed in. SORRY!

Erin Leigh said...

super cute lills! lovin' it.

St. Julien's said...

FUN. Lilly what a great idea. I have never seen such cute robots.

Beth said...

okay... this is super adorable!

Astrophel said...

What kick David out of the basement what is this mutiny?

MOMster said...

What a fantastic idea! I love all the different pictures you captured of the kids. Their expressions and poses are hilarious!!!