This morning I spent 45 minutes in bed snuggling with this
There was giggling and cooing and nibbling of fat rolls
All was well until suddenly we were silently attacked by a binki thief!
We were blind sided! It came out of no where! The thief was so stealth and quiet we didn't even see it come OR go!
The thief flung the binki with one quick tug from the unsuspecting mouth, waved it wildly in front of the shocked and confused face, and then left the binki still and motionless on the chest of it's poor stunned victim.
There were tears of sadness and high pitched squeals of anger.
We filed a police report and they are hopeful. Please contact us with any information you might have on who would do such a cruel and sick thing. In the meantime, lock your doors and guard your binkis folks. He's still out there.
(Pictured above: The freshly bathed victim taking some much needed rest after the traumatic ordeal.)
Hillarious, Lilly! Josie has a similar reaction when those crazy grabby things at the end of her own arms snatch her paci! :)
Lilly, he is getting so big!! I want to hold and snuggle him. Tell him I will come and rescue him from the binki theif anytime!!!
So funny and sad and utterly adorable all rolled into one pretty McDowell little baby! You are my first visit in so long...the computer was down while we were moving in
its really sad that i had to read this twice before realizing that it was binki and not BIKINI! haha... i was so confused!
Why, oh Why are your posts so dang funny? He is so cute and getting so big.
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